Griffith Bio Hub


Grid injection




Manure and Agri Residues


Advanced Feasibility study

Emissions Reduction

100,000 tCO2/a




1,800,000 GJ/a

Solid digestate

254,000 (25% dm) t/a

Liquid digestate

240,000 (5% dm) t/a

The Griffith Bio-hub is the largest of the biomethane projects being developed under a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) with Jemena Gas Networks and a large energy retailer “to accelerate the assessment, evaluation, and potential commercialisation of renewable gas projects in Jemena NSW distribution network”.

The Griffith Bio-hub Project centres around aggregating non-contaminated agricultural organic waste and residues within a 100km radius of Griffith. The bio-hub will harness anaerobic digestion to recover energy (biomethane for grid injection) and nutrients (digestate for agriculture) and provide the opportunity for the use of biogenic CO2. The project has the potential to significantly reduce emissions and environmental impacts from current organic byproduct management practices, provide additional revenue streams for local farmers, reduce emissions from gas consumption, establish local employment and strengthen regional energy security.

The anchor feedstocks for this project are chicken litter and agricultural residues.