ENA outlines 3 priorities regarding Renewable Gas

By Thesshanth Vasudev17 July 2024

In a paper addressed to the Australian government, Energy Networks Australia (ENA) has outlined 3 priorities regarding renewable gas as a key decarbonisation solution. ENA’s main recommendations are:

1. Introduce a certification scheme for all renewable gases – Emission reductions from a market-based approach for renewable gas to be recognised under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS).
2. Expand existing hydrogen support programs to include biomethane – Expand the $4 billion Hydrogen Headstart program to include biomethane to increase its scale-up and development.
3. Renewable Gas Target (RGT) for Australian industry by 2030 – With gas emissions reduction strategies being considered through the six sectoral plans as part of Australia’s Net Zero Plan, ENA recommends that this include policy design for an RGT by sector so that appropriate targets can be set in place by 2030.

Read the full paper here: 0131-ENA-Gas-Positioning-paper-A4-Landscape_final.pdf (energynetworks.com.au)